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With the release of the Environmental Review, SpaceX is getting closer and closer to launch

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Un'immagine in Bianco e Nero di Booster 4 e Ship 20 impilati sulla torre di lancio a Starbase.
Ship 20 & Booster 4 stacked on the launch tower - Credit: SpaceX

Il giorno è finalmente arrivato, la Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released the environmental assessment for the Starship program in Boca Chica, Texas.

In the document, the FAA requires SpaceX to take more than 75 actions to mitigate the area's environmental impact in order to receive the launch license from Starbase.

SpaceX will need to protect water resources, comply with noise limits and control the spread of biohazard material.

With the help of an expert, the company will have to reduce the light pollution of the area to protect the sea turtles present on the coast. SpaceX will also provide quarterly cleaning of the Boca Chica beach.

As for the people in the area, SpaceX will operate a shuttle that will connect the city of Brownsville with the facility. The company will also contribute to local education and conservation efforts, including the preparation of a report on the historical context of the events that took place in the geographical area (Mexican War and Civil War).

The FAA has also issued new rules regarding the road that passes next to the facility, which will remain open for 18 specified holidays and most weekends.

Now that the environmental review has been completed, the company will commit to meeting FAA requirements.

The agency said earlier today that the license application for SpaceX's Starship launch is still pending.

All documents issued by the FAA from October 2020 to date are available here.

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